So many beautiful subjects to choose from when painting wildlife !



`Autumn Visitor`


`Eyes of Gold`

`The Look`

`Mountain Hare`

`On Call`

`Red Fox`

`Tick Tock`

`Bright Eyes`

The Red Squirrel !



The Grey Wolf

Pensive Puss

`On the Lookout`

`I Wanna Hold Your Hand`

The Poser

`Hello my deer`

On The Prowl !


Breaking for Lunch


`Green Eyes`

Meerkat on Duty

Waiting for Mum

Tribute to Cecil !

`Night Night`

`I am Beautiful`

`The Gentle Touch`

Foxy Lady !

Little Field Mouse

Hidden Treasure

Wild Thing

Feeling Foxy

It`s the woluf, it`s the woluf !

I Spy...

Who goes there ?
