
`Christmas Card`
We have a competition at the art society where our public visitors can vote for their favourite christmas card and this is my entry for this year. Painted with inktense paints on watercolour paper. Great fun !
`Guess the Song Title`
Yes, I couldn`t have made it any easier to guess the song title could I ? . This is painted in acrylics for a change on a 20 x 16 inch canvas so am out of my comfort zone that`s for sure. As is usually the case there are bits that I am pleased with and bits that I am not. And strangely I am now seeing faces in some of the misty, cloudy bits. Must be some leftover spookiness from Halloween. We have a bit of a just for fun competition on the go at the art society at the moment, no prizes, but it gives our visitors to the gallery something to think about when checking out our song titles wall. A real mixture bag with some really easy ones like mine, and some that are very hard to guess indeed. If you happen to be in the Porthcawl area why not pop in for a browse and see how many you can guess !
And now for something completely different ! Painted with pastel on pastelmat for our next competition theme which is `Music` The actual music book was the trickiest part and took some time to complete. With grateful thanks to Karen Broemmelsick for the fantastic photo reference I worked from
What took me so long to get this little beauty finished ? He has his eyes on something that`s for sure. I like the way the background turned out too, very simple but still so effective. This little miniature was completed mainly in pastel pencils with some nupastels as a base coat. With grateful thanks to Lynette Huish for the fantastic photo reference I worked from
`Nutty Neighbour`
A last-minute rush to get another entry into our Summer Exhibition, and then I forgot to take a photo before framing. But definitely worth the rush when I discovered it had taken a joint 3rd prize award (as voted by our public visitors) With special thanks to Dee Desbrow for the fantastic photo reference I worked from
`Day Dreamer`
Isn`t she lovely ? Basecoats put down with nupastel sticks and then all the detail work finished with pastel pencils. All ready for the Summer Exhibition. With special thanks to Leanne Moss for the most amazing photo reference I worked from
`Day Dreamer` sketch
Unusual for me but I seem to be starting one painting, then putting it down and starting something else. I wiled away a few hours sketching the lovely lioness out with a pastel pencil. This one is on velour paper (my favourite)
The start of another miniature painting, sketched out with a dark umber pastel pencil and a white general charcoal pencil on pastel mat paper
`Eyes of Wisdom`
Back to my trusty pastels, this beautiful wolf was started such a long time ago, and then abandoned in an unfinished pile. Lovely to get it finished at last. Love that look in the eyes
`Winter Sunset`
Painted with inktense paints on canvas for the latest competition theme. I masked out the trees to paint the sky in first. I love the shadows on the snow and can just imagine a winter walk along the path there. Delightful. It was voted as joint winner by the public vote and then it sold as well. Wonderful.
`Dreamy Sunset`
I used inktense paints on a little canvas to paint this lovely sunset. The paints are very vibrant so perfect for such a colourful scene. I like the sky the best, another miniature painting, just 6"x4". I do enjoy an afternoon of miniature painting
Awards Evening at our Autumn Exhibition
Well I couldn`t quite believe it, but what a pleasure to be awarded first prize for one of my miniature paintings. I completed this golden eagle right at the beginning of the year but only now decided to put it into the galleryWith extra special thanks to Terence Porter for the amazing photo reference I worked from

`A Bit Batty`
How cute is this one ? Just adorable ! This is a little miniature mixed media painting which I started one evening many moons ago. It was started with inktense paints and then just disappeared into my painting pile for a while. When it popped up again, I decided to get the trusty pastels out to bring it to completion. Really enjoyed this unusual subject, and as always, would like to give special thanks to the photographer, Diane Aitken for permission to use her photo
`The Great Escape`
I did find the cats quite tricky and moved over to pastel pencils fairly quickly to bring this latest pastel painting to completion. Just need to frame it now, in time for next weeks new Autumn Exhibition. With special thanks to Mark Abercrombie for the amazing photo reference I worked from
`Tabbies` 2
I decided to compromise and work the background almost to finishing point, before just stating to add a little colour to the cats. Am using mainly hard pastel sticks at the moment
Something a little different, love the composition, which is what attracted me to this piece. Has just been sketched out here with a dark grey pastel pencil on grey pastelmat paper. Always find it a bit strange when I change papers, velour is my all time favourite and just completely different to work on compared to this one. Will likely add some base colours next...or will I finish the background completely before starting any work on the cats ? Decisions, decisions !
`Great Spotted Woodpecker`
Another miniature pastel painting. These are such fun little projects, and once the initial sketch is done, they don`t take very long at all. A great way to while away a few hours on an afternoon or evening. Pastel sticks were used for the background and then mainly pastel pencils for the rest of the work on the bird. With grateful thanks to Bob Barton for the superb photo reference I worked from
What a wonderful day. Not only did I sell the two portraits pictured on the same day, but I also met the buyer myself too. It is always a pleasure to meet the person who is taking your art home with them. With special thanks to Paul Fine for the fantastic photo reference I worked from to produce The Wolf painting.. Time to start preparing for the next exhibition in September now ! So what to paint next ? That is the question !
And here is a close up of the finished piece. I have named it `Serenity` because I think the tiger looks so peaceful and contented here. The tiger will be on display in our Summer Exhibition in just a few weeks time so if you happen to live anywhere near Porthcawl, why not pop in and see it for yourselfUPDATE 29-June-23 Am delighted to tell you that the tiger received a highly commended award in the exhibition and was SOLD within the first week. :-)
`Well I never`...
This is my finishing point although I must confess that I did spend a bit more time adding some finer details after the demo ended. Everyone said they really enjoyed it, phew, that is such a relief ! In fact they enjoyed it so much that it looks like we are going to have a workshop next, where the members will have a go at using pastels themselves to produce an animal portrait.And there is the photo reference I worked from on the lower right too (from Pixabay)
`What`s next ?`...
Ah, that`s better I think to myself as I finally get to work on the eyes, and surprisingly, I even manage to complete those in good time. I use soft pastels first blending the colours in with pastel pencils, just a very delicate gentle touch is all that is needed. Now my tiger is really starting to come to life...`Blocking in`...
I always do the eyes first....but not today, which feels so strange, there is just something about having a pair of beautiful eyes watching me as I work ! But my plan today has to be to block all my colours in on the rest of the piece first, as that will be so much quicker than the eyes, leaving me enough time to concentrate on those later on`Step by step I go`...
Reserving the whites and making sure I keep talking to my audience, explaining each step along the way, I am very aware that I only have a 2hr session to bring my tiger to completion, so there is no time for faffing about, got to keep things moving along
`Tiger Demo Sketch`
This is my initial sketch using just a hard black pastel and a white charcoal pencil on sand coloured velour as I prepare to deliver a demonstration to members/visitors of Porthcawl Art, of which I have been a member myself now for over 20yrs. Let`s hope all goes to plan on the day !
`Afternoon Canter`
I was expecting the horse to be a challenge, and it certainly was, so much so that I actually put this piece away for a while. But with a Summer Exhibition on the horizon I decided to put my determined head on and see if I could put things right in order to enter it into the exhibition. After laying down some base colours I used pastel pencils for the detail work. Am still not 100% happy with the end result but am glad I persevered, and I love the colours in the horse. I also returned to the background trees with a bit more detail work too. Am looking forward to hearing what others may think about this one. With Special thanks to Karen Broemmelsick for the most amazing photo reference I worked from
`Lots to do for the background`
Love the background trees, has taken me a few hours to complete but am really happy with this part. Undercoat blocked in with some soft pastels and then detailed with pastel pencils, onto the main subject next...
`The start of a horse`
Decided to have another go at a horse. A very difficult subject for me for some reason, maybe it`s because they are not actually furry ! A very basic initial sketch to start this one off. The background is going to be full of trees, that`s my next step...
`2023 Spring Exhibition`
Amazed and delighted to find myself sharing the first prize for my lion painting titled `Magnificence`, and then to also win a highly commended award for my painting of my beautiful Heidi who passed away in 2020 was just mind blowing. Special thanks to Jannet Poultney Maddy our Judge for the awards evening. There are some lovely paintings on display at Porthcawl Art Society, all by local artists, and also some unusual crafts too. Pop in for a browse if you are in the area, you will receive a warm welcome !
`Cheeky Chihuahua`
The competition theme was `black and white` for our latest Exhibition, so I decided to do this little chihuahua as a needle-felted picture for my entry. Even though it was a bit tricky, I persevered with my needle and wool and finally got the desired effect. I was rather pleased with the end result and after the competition was over, I donated it to my art group, to raise funds for them, and one day someone did come along and snap it up. It`s always such a lovely feeling when someone chooses to take a piece of your artwork home with them
`Bright and Beautiful`
This was created through a paint along with `Michelle the Painter` in acrylic. Yes, not my usual cup of tea, but I fancied doing something different and as soon as I saw this i I just wanted to have a go, am sure I will be doing a few more as I really enjoyed it. Always nice to try different things now and then and I do love sunflowers, just looking at them gives me such a happy feeling. Back to the pastels next I think
`A bit of miniature painting for a change...`
Am determined to make more time for my art this year and so have made a start already. These two birds of prey were a bit of a challenge as they are just 4x6ins so not easy to get the detail in, but by using some sharp pastel pencils I did manage to get it done, and surprisingly, they didn`t take too long either. Awww, I think the tawny owl looks a little sad, bless. With special thanks to Terence Porter for the most amazing photo references I worked from
`Mr Muffin`
Yayyy, completed just in time and framed and wrapped on Christmas Eve. I have grabbed every opportunity to spend time working on this portrait through the busiest week of the year. Was so worth it just to see the look on Tyra`s face when she opened her gift, and he was soon up on her bedroom wall. I wonder what Mr Muffin thinks of his portrait
`The start of a new pet portrait`
This is a bit of a last minute idea, don`t know why I didn`t think of it before. This is Mr Muffin, my grand-daughter Tyra`s pet house rabbit, yes, he is on a strawberry steal, cheeky bunny. Only just starting this the week before Christmas but hopefully I will manage to get him completed in time to give to Tyra for Christmas. All sketched out, I did find the strawberries and pot rather tricky but looking okay now I think
`My Christmas Card`
Painted in watercolour and then I used a white gel pen to add the snow to the pine cone and berries etc. The background was not meant to look like this at all but it seems I managed to have a happy accident as I do like the end result. Entered into the Christmas card competition at my local Art Society where I was very surprised to find it chosen as the favourite by public vote. I wasn`t expecting that but of course I am delighted
Needle felted earlier this year, I entered this memorial portrait of my Heidi in the latest Winter Exhibition at Porthcawl Art Society. What a delight to win the `most original` prize for my beautiful girl, as judged by the Porthcawl Mayor Mark Chegwin at our Awards evening
`Hey a Hare`
Was lovely to bring this one to completion as it was left for quite some time before I had a chance to work on it again. I really like the background, now it`s finally in, took a while to get things to work to my liking. Fine details then added and here is the finished piece. Photo reference by kind permission of DeAnne Hope
Phew ! I did it and I think they enjoyed my demo. I managed to get a fair bit completed in the 2hr time frame, and hope my tips were helpful to the group and that they are inspired to have a go themselves. The background and final detail work was completed at home after the event. Painted in hard/soft pastel on light grey velour and worked from a free photo reference via pixabay
`Foxy Prep`
Am all ready now for my demonstration piece taking place early next week. I do love a fox portrait so a good subject choice and what a great composition. Have completed my initial sketch with a black polychromo pastel stick and pastel pencil. Am using a free photo reference via pixabay to work from
`Hey, a hare` part 2
An interesting experience, the goal was to see how much I could complete in a 2hr slot as I am demonstrating for another art society next week and I only have a 2hr window. Not an easy task but am reasonably pleased with my attempt. I now know for sure that I will not be able to put a background in, and it`s unlikely that I will complete the animal in the set time frame either. I will be able to demonstrate the eye though, will ensure I stick with a side profile so that there is only one to do, and I can put the undercoats in, and also complete some of the detail work, and I think this will be enough to demo. With grateful thanks to Debbie Anne Photography for the amazing photo reference I worked from. Painted in hard/soft pastel on velour paper, and a work in progress which will be brought to completion at a later date
`Hey, a hare`
I have chosen another animal that I have not painted before as my next subject. And this one is going to come to completion pretty quickly, if all goes to plan. Just a quick sketch to start me off, will shade in the lights and darks before I set the timer and officially get going. Am practicing on this one, to see how much I can complete in 2hrs, there is method in my madness, will tell you more next time, watch this space !
`Gentle Giant`
Finally made time to bring this piece to completion, have added some much stronger colours in before finishing up with all the final detail work today. Has definitely made the cow stand out, and then it took me a while to come up with a title too, but I think `Gentle Giant` is very apt, don`t you ?
Highland Cow 2
Nice to get some time to spend on my highland cow today, just undercoats of the background in but have already started adding detail to the actual cow, not sure why I have added some eye slits as doubt they will be seen in the finished painting once all the hair is in ! But you never know !
`Pensive Puss`
What a lovely surprise to hear that my tiger painting sold today. It is a wonderful feeling knowing that someone likes your work enough to want to take it home with them
`New Spring Exhibition 2022`
At last we are returning to a more normal world again, and for the first time in two years we have had a new exhibition starting at Porthcawl Art Society this Easter weekend. I was delighted to win 1st Prize with my painting of the stag. Our Judge this time was Tracy Hill, Porthcawl Mayoress and it was lovely to see so many visitors popping in too
`Highland Cow`
I have always loved the highland cow, and so decided to make this beautiful creature my next subject for a pastel painting. This is my initial sketch, drawn in pastel pencil on a sand coloured velour paper, and I am using a free photo reference from Pixabay
`Help for Ukraine`
A very talented needle-felter known as `The Lady Moth` (search for her on facebook) designed a sunflower field brooch to raise funds for the people of Ukraine, and invited others to join her in her quest. I started making some too, and from wearing one myself, have had several orders for them, it is nice to be able to help in some way, however small
This one has been a while in the making, it has been on the drawing board for about 18 months, just abandoned part way through. Feeling a little rusty, as I picked up the pastels again after such a long break. Am very pleased to get it finished at last. Painted in hard and soft pastel on velour pastel paper. With grateful thanks to Stan Jackson for the amazing photo reference I worked from
`Gorgeous George`
This portrait was completed as part of a `felt along` project with Sophie Wheatley. All who participated felted their own version of George. Very challenging but also really enjoyable, and lovely to see all the different versions of George at the end.
`Sleeping Beauty`
Needle felted as a surprise gift for my daughter-in-law, Nerys who was absolutely delighted with this portrait, I am pleased to say. Meg passed over the rainbow bridge a few years ago now, but still very much loved and missed. A very challenging subject, particularly being a black dog, I used many different colour hues in her coat to get the effect I wanted. And then I had the added challenge of a black collar too. I love the composition here, which is of course, why I carefully selected which photo reference to work from. Isn`t she just lovely ?
Yes, another needle-felted portrait. I am really enjoying my new hobby. This is `Maxy`, a much loved little scamp who owns my youngest daughter. It has taken me a few weeks to complete as a busy time, but have managed to spend an hour here and there whenever time allows. Am getting a bit braver now, trying out new techniques to get the effects I want, seems to be working, although it has been trial and error. Needle felting is quite forgiving though so any mistakes can be rectified. He does look cheeky doesn`t he ?
`Lhaso Apso`
This time I chose this gorgeous dog from a free photo reference from one of the needle felting courses I am participating in. And what a challenge this one was, longer hair/fur is a totally different way of working, very tricky and intricate on times, but also very satisfying once the portrait finally starts to come to life, it does seem to take a really long time though until you get to that stage, it`s all about adding layer after layer. I am delighted with the finished portrait, it was definitely worth all the hard work. If you would like to have a go at needle felting, I can highly recommend Sophie Wheatley`s `best ever dog portrait` course, it is amazing, and full of demonstrations and information to get you started, and with so much support along the way too. She also has some free facebook pages, look her up, you won`t be disappointed :-)
And another needle felted pet portrait complete. This is my oldest daughters beagle. he was not an easy subject for me, as, of course, I had to get the likeness just right, I found the tongue particularly difficult I must confess. Although a challenge I really enjoyed spending my time stabbing away with my wool to see his character slowly emerge. And I am very pleased to report that my daughter is delighted with him, so job done :-)
`Painting with Wool`
Have been fascinated by needle felting since attending a beginners workshop back in February last year, and more recently, I discovered the art of 2D needle felting which I was completely blown away by, so much so that I signed up for a couple of online courses to give it a go. I am just so amazed at the detail fibre artists can get by `painting with wool` After having a few practice sessions, this was my first attempt at a complete portrait and I chose a little jack russell photo from Pixabay as my subject. I have so much to learn but I really enjoyed this and can`t wait to have another go. I have Sophie Wheatley to thank for the excellent tuition, her course is absolutely packed with so much content where she leads the way step by step with her detailed demonstrations and outstanding support. Highly recommended if you fancy a dabble at this ancient craft yourself !
Just a subtle background added in before completing all the detail work today, the hours just disappear at this stage, maybe it`s the extra concentration. but this is always my favourite part ! Am very pleased with the end result and have already framed her and put her on my wall. My beautiful girl !
`New painting, take 2...`
I have spent some time adding the base colours today with my softer pastels. Cannot believe my little yorkie/jack, has just this month turned 11. I don`t know where the time has gone, definitely my best friend, she is always there, right by my side
`A new painting on the go...`
I have been promising myself for years that I would actually take some time to complete a painting of my own dog, and today I finally made a start. This is my initial sketch, with some added colour to her eye and her nose. I love her pose here, very alert, as she waits patiently for a visitor to arrive
`Flood the Streets with Art 2020`
This year, for the first time, I participated in `Flood the Streets with Art` which is a global event whereby artists/creators of all ages, all over the world, leave a piece of their art in a random place for a stranger to find, keep and take home. The event always takes place on Black Friday and is in it`s eighth year. It is certainly very popular. I decided to leave these three acrylic paintings out and about, and it just happened to be a lovely sunny day too, an added bonus. I left my first one on a seat at my local train station, my second just under a bridge in a popular place for walkers, and my third on a park bench. All three were picked up by someone, I am pleased to say. I hope they brought a smile to their finders. It was an amazing experience for me, and gave me a lovely, warm, fuzzy feeling inside. If you would like to participate next year look for the facebook page - Flood the streets with Art for further info.And grateful thanks once again to Joan McDaniel, Trevor Reeves and Danny Brannigan for their amazing reference photo`s which I used to complete all three of these paintings

`Autumn Visitor`
I actually started this piece back in March but it was abandoned, along with my motivation for my art, on the arrival of the coronavirus. When I came across the artwork this last weekend I decided to see if I could pick up where I left off. It took me a while to find everything I would need to continue and my pastels were even dustier than normal. I completely forgot to take any progress photos, but it was so lovely to lose myself in my other world once again. And this is the result, this lovely young hedgehog foraging around the garden. Photo reference via Pixabay
`The Look`
I wiled away the whole afternoon working patiently with my trusty pastels to bring out the best in this gorgeous creature. And with the final details in and the added whiskers my beautiful lioness is complete. With special thanks to Bob Barton for the most amazing photo reference I worked from
`The Lioness` 3
Added a light background to set her colours off and then added even stronger colours to her fur. Spent some happy hours on all the detail work before strengthening her eyes, she definitely has that look in them that I wouldn`t dare argue with, so much power there
`The Lioness` 2
Now to put all the base colours in, she looks a bit like a teddy bear right now doesn`t she ? And then some work on the nose to finish this session
`The Lioness` 1
It`s been a long while but I have a little time for some art again at last. It`s so good to pick my pastels up once more. I chose this beautiful lioness as my latest subject. After sketching I could not resist working on those gorgeous eyes, the colours in her eyes are just breathtaking
One of the members at Porthcawl Art named the kitten Sheba and I think it suits her very well. I have added a very subtle background to cover a mark that appeared there somehow. I spent some time today on adding the extra detail for my own satisfaction, and am pleased with how she has turned out. I wonder what I will choose to do next....Photo Reference I used to work from was copyright free from Pixabay

`Pretty Kitten`
This is as far as I got, so again, almost there, the eye was completed and also all the blocking in. The detail work is what takes up most of the time and I think the demo would have become a bit tedious for those watching, if I had continued until I actually finished the piece. Everyone seemed to enjoy so definitely a successful afternoon, and I now have an idea to change the format of my next demo, which should keep me, and my audience happy, so all this experimenting has been very worthwhile. I will spend a little more time completing the piece at home and show you the end result in the next few days
`Pretty Kitten`
The sketching out is complete in readiness for my demonstration for Porthcawl Art on Wednesday afternoon. I chose another cat as I always find them such a delight to paint. I also chose a side view so that there would be only one eye to complete, my thinking is that this will save me some time
So here she is complete, I think ! She certainly looks very striking and beautiful. A very lucky cat, I might add, as she was found with her siblings in a black bag outside a shop, as a tiny kitten, by my daughter. Certainly a pleasure to have known her. My first actual demonstration of the year is on this coming Wednesday, so fingers crossed the practising will see me through !
`Chicky` 2
Am impressed with how quickly I completed her beautiful eyes, and the blocking in went pretty well too. It was the detail work that caught me out. I had 55 minutes left for all the detail work and this is as far as I got. Am thinking that so much time spent on detail work will not be a good idea for a demonstration piece, so I am going to have to come up with another plan for this part anyway. I am very pleased with how much I actually got completed in the time frame though, and my daughter was absolutely delighted when she saw it. There will be a little more work needed before I complete to my own satisfaction, so there will be another short session on this one
`Chicky` 1
So tomorrow I am going to have another attempt at completing a piece in two hours. And I have decided to choose my daughters beautiful cat, who sadly passed away in December, for my subject. This is from one of my own photo references and if I can do this successfully, this portrait will be gifted to my daughter. I have drawn the cat out in sepia pastel pencil and the whites have been reserved using a charcoal pencil.
`Red Fox`
Attempting to produce some quick animal portraits as I am preparing to do a couple of demonstration pieces soon. This one took about three hours after the initial sketching out, not bad, but I need to find a way to complete even faster. Maybe next time. With special thanks to Gill Merritt for the amazing photo reference I worked from.
`Mountain Hare in the Mist`
Have wiled away some hours adding stronger colours and working on all the detail over the last couple of days, always my favourite part. And here he is, complete. I have Chris Powell, an amazing photographer, to thank for the photo reference I worked from, who commissioned me to paint this beautiful hare
`Mountain Hare` 3
Filling the background in now, just lightly at first, the colours here will be strengthened in the next session. Some more work taking place on the hare too and he is starting to get that lovely furry look already
`Mountain Hare` 2
Adding some darks around the hare with a pastel stick and some soft pastels to give a bit of colour to his nose, eye, ears, and fur too.
`Mountain Hare`
Just started this mountain hare, a new subject for me, and a welcome commissioned piece. Am working this one in pastels on velour paper. The initial sketch has been completed using a pastel pencil, am looking forward to adding some colour next
`The Chirpy Cheepers`
A lovely afternoon spent on the detailing work of these three, and here they are all finished. Worked in hard and soft pastels on velour paper. Free photo reference via Pixabay
`Yellow 2`
On to the next stage of these little Easter chicks. All the main colours have been blocked in today and I have also blocked in the background which is looking very yellow right now. Even though you think of little chicks as yellow it is actually surprising how many other colours can be seen in them. Am thinking the eggs could become quite tricky to get that realistic look.
A new year has dawned and it`s time to start getting ready for another Exhibition, the theme on this occasion is going to be `shades of yellow`. As it`s an easter exhibition I have decided to try some cute little easter chicks. Just sketched out so far. I wonder how many different shades of yellow I can use on this piece. Wishing you a happy, healthy and peaceful year ahead,
`Christmas Theme Winner`
A lovely surprise at Porthcawl Art Society for me today when it was announced that I had won `The Christmas Theme Award` as voted by our public visitors over the last couple of weeks, with my recent pastel painting titled `A Kiss for Christmas`. As you can see I am delighted. With thanks once again to Linda Gleason Ritchie for such an amazing photo reference to work from
`Winter Robin`
Just look at this little beauty singing his heart out, a nice choice for a quick seasonal subject at this time of year. Painted in hard/soft pastel and with special thanks to Albert Horsborough for the super photo reference I worked from
`Am begging you...stop the cull`
Have spent the afternoon on all the detail work and a little more time on the background. Just needs framing now and then it can go off to the gallery tomorrow ready for hanging at the exhibition. Phew, wasn`t sure this one would make it in, I can relax now. It really does seem as if this badger is begging for help to `stop the cull`, I hope his wish comes true.Thanks again to Gill Merritt for the amazing photo reference I worked from

`Stop the Cull 2`
Not particularly happy with the background at the mo, have rushed it in so there will definitely be more work to do here as I make adjustments along the way. Just starting to work on the detail of the badger too, there are some lovely colours in his coat. One more session to completion I should think.
`Stop the Cull`
Still working against the clock, stayed up through the night drawing this one out, and hoping I will get it finished in time for the Porthcawl Exhibition. What struck me from the photo reference I am working from was the unusual pose of this badger, is he begging for a stop to the madness of `the cull` I wonder ? I just do not understand why we are destroying our precious wildlife, it`s heartbreaking. So this piece is my tribute to all the badgers who have lost their lives to `the cull`. God bless them all !After sketching him out have put the base colours in and spent a little time working on the eye and nose. Will be putting the background in on the next session.
Special thanks to Gill Merritt for the excellent photo reference I am working from

`A Kiss for Christmas`
No progress shots for this one as I worked around the clock to get it ready in time for a fast approaching Exhibition. I really enjoyed it though and it`s definitely given me a bit of christmas spirit. Worked in hard and soft pastel on art spectrum pastel paper.With extra special thanks to Linda Gleason Ritchie for the superb photo reference I worked from

`What a Great Exhibition`
There were around 150 paintings in the TADAS Exhibition with plenty of different subjects on display for all the visitors. I was absolutely delighted when I heard that I had sold the three pictured. And even more delighted when it was announced that my cheetah was voted `favourite` by the public too. My two miniatures, one of a sunset, and one of dandelion clocks also sold. What a great exhibition.
`Eyes of Gold`
Am rather pleased with the end result. Have spent the last two afternoons working all the detail, I find this part very absorbing and the time just disappears. At this time of year it`s usually the evening closing in that tells me the time.With extra special thanks to Rose Knott for the amazing photo reference I worked from

`Another Wolf 2`
That`s the undercoats put in, it is surprising how many colours are in this beautiful creature. The next stage is all the detail work, my favourite bit
`Another Wolf...`
One of my favourite animals on the go once again. I was immediately drawn to the eyes in this one. Isn`t he a beauty ? Am trying out a new surface this time, it`s suede mount board. Am enjoying so far, and after sketching out, have added some colour to the eyes and nose. Losing the light now so will move on to the next step over the weekend
`Another Exhibition about to start...`
These are some of my smaller entries for the forthcoming exhibition with Tondu & District Art Society. What no animals ? I hear you say ! Of course there are some animals going in too ! Why not pop in for a browse if you are in the area this weekend. The Exhibition opens to the public from tomorrow, Friday 15 November until Tuesday 19 November, from 10.00am - 4.00pm at the Len Evans Centre, Off Heol Persondy, Aberkenfig, CF32 9RF. All work is by local artists with such a super display of different subjects for you to feast your eyes on. Definitely worth a visit.With grateful thanks to Trevor Reeves and Martin Roper for the fantastic photo references I worked from.

`Pony Trio`
It`s lovely to finish this piece after having it hanging around for so long. They look like a happy little trio out for an afternoon stroll. Am reasonably pleased with the end result although there could be a bit more tweaking going on before framing.With thanks once again to Karen Broemmelsick for the fantastic photo reference to work from
`Pony Trio` 1
I started this painting some time ago, after sketching out, I started on the background with just some light layers. I love the composition, they look like a little family don`t they ? Horses/ponies are quite a tricky subject for me, have only ever done one before. With grateful thanks to Karen Broemmelsick for such a brilliant photo reference to work from
`The Boy`
Lots of time spent on all the detail work today to finish this piece offand I think he is looking a bit more human now. I always enjoy trying something a little different to the norm and working on an upside down portrait has certainly been very different. Even framing him was a strange experience ! Thanks again to La Dawn Martin for the super photo reference to work from
The Boy 3
With all the base colours in the boy is still looking a bit spooky to me. Am sure he will look more human after the next session. I do hope so ! A lot of time spent on that lovely thick hair today, and I love his expression. Have still not come up with a title yet but I`m working on it.
The Boy 2
The figure in the tree is standing out more now that I have added the base colours into the background. He is looking a bit ghostly to me with his pale face and his staring eyes but hopefully he will look more human once I get started on all the detail work. Just a few more base colours to fill in first, am not sure what colour top to put on him, it`s a blue and grey striped one in the photo reference but I can feel a red one in the making I think :-)
The Boy 1
Well I did say the next piece would be something completely different. An Autumn Exhibition with Porthcawl Art Society is fast approaching and the theme for one of the entries this time is people. Not an easy subject at the best of times, and here I am choosing an upside down person ! I just loved the composition of this boy upside down in a tree, thinking of a good title is going to be tricky. So is there a tree house above him I wonder ? Anyway, am told it`s good practice to draw things upside down, to me it is very strange and I keep wanting to turn him up the other way. With special thanks to LaDawn Martin for the great photo reference I am working from
`Pretty Kitty`
Have spent the whole day working the details on this beautiful cat. The eyes have had more layers added to make them shine and the coat has many layers to give it that deep, furry look. And the grande finale was adding the whiskers. It`s been such a wet and windy day so a great way to spend it...lost in my art world for hours and hoursThanks again to Kairen Jamieson for the amazing photo reference to work from.
My next piece is going to be something completely different this space

`A Beautiful Cat` 2
Have got really carried away with this one today. Isn`t she just beautiful ? All the base colours are in and lots of work has been completed on the eyes too. I can`t wait for the next session when I turn up the volume on all the gorgeous detail work
`A beautiful Cat` 1
It seems like ages since I had an animal on the drawing board. I love a close up shot which is why I have chosen this beautiful cat portrait for my next piece. Just finished sketching it out and have made a start on adding the lights and darksWith grateful thanks to Kairen Jamieson for the superb photo reference to work from

Miniature Paintings
Two miniature paintings which were entered in a recent exhibition and am pleased to report that both were sold there. I started the fox off in watercolours, but the acrylics took over part way through to bring some vibrancy to the colours. The other one, titled `Stepping into Spring` was completed in watercolours. These little paintings measure 3.5ins x 3.5ins so the teeny, tiny brushes come out for these. Quite tricky working so small but such fun. With grateful thanks to Paul Green for the super photo reference of the fox, the other was painted from my own photo reference.
Margam Arches
This painting was completed a little while ago for a competition at a recent Tondu Art Society Exhibition. The theme was `buildings`, certainly not my usual cup of tea, but it was nice to try something different and make the effort to participate in a challenge like this. This painting was worked on watercolour board with watercolours, inks and some pastel for texture. All things considered I think it turned out reasonably okay, and it was nice to go out and take my own photo reference for a change too.
I am rather pleased with the end result of my tree study. I don`t know what it is, but there is just something about this scene that I just love. I have really enjoyed using the inktense paints and blocks, they are just so versatile, but I couldn`t resist using a bit of pastel to finish the painting off. With grateful thanks to Diane Hewitt for the fabulous photo reference to work from
`Trees` 2
Have managed to fill in some colours on the trees now, am hoping to capture the light behind which will really define them and they should stand out nicely then. I really love the photo reference I am working from, the scene just feels so calm and peaceful in the midst of these woods
`Trees` 1
Something different for me. I recently bought some inktense paints and inktense blocks and have been dying to try them out. They most certainly are intense and I love the vibrant colours. Am so used to pastels now that it feels very strange to pick up a paint brush again but am really enjoying this piece. The theme for an exhibition coming up shortly is trees so this will be my entry when complete. After sketching out the scene, I have blocked in the background colours, and also some colour in the foreground too
`On Call`
What a challenge this beautiful timber wolf has turned out to be. And finally, he is complete. I usually only work on one piece at a time but over the last month or so have also been working on other smaller pieces which needed to be ready for an Exhibition. In future I will try to stick to one painting at a time as I have found it difficult jumping back and fore from one to the other. And I never did get around to putting a moon in so you will have to use your imagination instead. This handsome creature will be on Exhibition at Porthcawl Art Society during the summer of 2019. With special thanks to Paul Fine for the super photo reference I worked fromUpdate: Absolutely delighted to be awarded second prize for this painting at The Summer Exhibition, and so proud when it was also chosen as one of the Deputy Mayors` Favourites

Wolf 2
Busy times seem to be taking over and am not getting so much time for my artwork at the moment. My wolf is turning out to be a bit of a slow process, have only worked on him when I`ve been at the art societies I belong to, and I must confess, we spend as much time nattering as working so the session flies by without much progress, all good fun though. Anyway, he is coming along, his coat is starting to thicken up a bit as I add more layers. I think he needs some more dark colours to give him the definition he deserves though, so that`s my next move.
Wolf 1
The wolf has been sketched out and I am in the process of putting some base colours in. Working on a sanded paper again which I am not a great fan of, but the end results have been very pleasing of late, so am soldiering on. I love the pose, which was what attracted me to this one. I may put the moon in the background, not sure about that yet though. With grateful thanks to Paul Fine for another fantastic photo reference to work from
`Tick Tock`
The cheeky hare is complete. Am not keen on the sanded paper I used for this piece, it was tricky to work on, but the end result is pleasing so worth the effort in the end. Loved putting the dandelion clocks in, this field must have been heaven for the hare I should think. And the look on his face is just so comical, such character in these creatures. With special thanks to Brenda Catherine for the great photo reference I worked fromUpdate : So surprised and extremely pleased to receive the most original award for this painting at Porthcawl Art Summer Exhibition 2019

`Tick Tock 2`
With a couple of hours to spare managed to complete a fair bit of work on the hare today and just started putting the dandelion clocks in too. Hope to complete this one on the next session
`Tick Tock 1`
Have finally got another artwork on the go. It`s just a quick study really experimenting with different paper and different techniques. I was attracted to the hare because of the funny look on his face as he chews on a dandelion stalk. After sketching him out, I soaked the paper with water and using some watercolour paints streaked some colours in, letting them run down and do their own thing. It looks a bit of a mess right now doesn`t it ? But hopefully, I am just going through the `ugly` stage and my next session will produce a big improvement. The title should give you a clue as to what is going to be in the background. My trusty pastels will be in use next...fingers crossed that they will work their magic !
`Best in Show`
Oh my word, another prize for `Bewitched`. So pleased to find that my pastel painting of this beautiful cat was voted `Best in Show` at the Easter Exhibition 2019 with Porthcawl Art Society. With special thanks to Birgit Meyer for the fantastic photo reference I worked from, and to everyone who took the time to vote
Easter Saturday at Porthcawl Art Society
The glorious weather meant we could also display some of our work outside in the street today. This happens regularly once the warmer weather is with us and it was lovely to sit out in the sunshine watching passers by admiring the artworks on display. Am very happy to tell you that this painting titled `The Wolf` was sold there today. It`s been a very interesting week, what with one thing and another going on
New Exhibition with Porthcawl Art Society
My lovely cat took second prize at the awards evening of our new Easter Exhibition. With grateful thanks to Birgit Meyer for the amazing photo reference I worked from. There is a fantastic display of artworks up in the gallery, all by local artists, so do pop in if you get the chance. We are above The Museum in John Street, Porthcawl. Best day to visit is a Saturday.Exhibition Sale
Lots going on of late so not much time for my art but I hope to start a new piece very soon. This painting of mine, titled `bottoms up` sold today at Tondu Art Society Exhibition in the local Hospital, the nicest thing with the Exhibitions inside the hospital is that you get to meet the buyer and we had a lovely chat before the elephants went off to their new home. With special thanks to Beaver Shaw for the amazing photo reference I worked from
New Grand-daughter
Absolutely delighted to meet my new grand-daughter Emily this evening. Isn`t she beautiful ? Another little one to love and to cherish. Grand children are the best thing about getting older I think :-)
`On the Lookout`
The beautiful deer is complete, have spent a lovely afternoon adding the detail and tweaking here and there to bring today`s painting session to a close. Have really enjoyed painting this one. Can`t wait to see it in a frame, and all ready for the next Exhibition at Porthcawl Art Society. Photo reference by kind permission of Terence Porter who`s photography is absolutely stunning by the way.
`New Work in Progress` 2
I was as attracted to the background as the subject when I chose the photo reference to work from for this piece. And I have really enjoyed spending a couple of hours working with all the gorgeous colours in this part of my pastel painting this afternoon. Back to the deer and the detail work next time :-)
`New Work in Progress`
The initial sketch is complete with some light base colours added in too. So many different colours on this beautiful deer`s coat, oranges, reds and a lovely velvety purple too. I am really looking forward to putting the background in on my next session. With grateful thanks to Terence Porter for the great photo reference to work from.
The beautiful cat is complete. I have found this pastel paper very tricky to work on, but I do like the overall effect, and am pleased with how she has turned out, even though it has been rather a challenge.Photo reference by kind permission of Birgit Meyer to whom I am most grateful. What on earth would I do without these talented photographers ?

Pussy Cat 2
All the base colours are in now and I think that the cat is starting to come to life on this paper. I still don`t like how much the pastel smudges on it though, I am using a mahl stick earlier than normal to protect the cats colours. It will be interesting to see how I get on with adding the detail on the next session. I have been unsure about putting a background in, but as I think the cat looks very striking against the colour of this paper, I am going to leave it as it is (for now anyway)
Pussy Cat 1
Am trying out a different paper to work on with this piece. The pastel seems to smudge very easily on it so am thinking I have a bit of a challenge on my hands here. Have sketched the cat out roughly with a white pastel pencil and have added some base coats to the eye and nose so far. The photo reference I am working from is by kind permission of Birgit Meyer
`Night Night`
This lovely polar bear has given me plenty to think about as I have worked on him, so many things have not gone according to plan, and as such, I have had to make so many adjustments. I have changed the background almost completely to try and put him in a more appropriate scene for a polar bear. Grateful thanks to all who have made helpful critiques along the way. It has really helped and I hope you like him now, I am certainly feeling much happier with my sleepy head. Extra special thanks to Bob Barton for the most amazing photo reference to work from.
`Just Snoozing` 3
Have darkened the background around the bear to ensure he stands out more and the grass has been thickened up too. I have also started to work some detail on his fur, the highlights will be put in last so he is still looking quite dark for a polar bear right now. After receiving some feedback on this painting I am now thinking of changing the background...this is going to be tricky...will be interesting to see how it turns this space !
`Just Snoozing` 2
Have blocked the background in on this session but must admit am unsure about it at the moment. The undercoats have been added to the bear with some of the highlighted areas worked on too, his colours will change quite dramatically as my work on him continues, we tend to think of a polar bear as white but it is surprising how many colours I can see in his fur from the photo reference I am working from.
`Just Snoozing` 1
Back to my `other world` and my first painting of 2019 on the drawing board at last. This polar bear has taken my fancy this time, he looks so peaceful snoozing away there. Am working on a sand coloured paper and the initial sketch is complete with just a hint of colour added here and there. With grateful thanks to Bob Barton for the fantastic photo reference I am working from.
`The Fox`
It is always tricky trying to think of a good title for finished work. Leaving this one as `The Fox` for now. Suggestions always welcome. All the detail work completed today and the eyes and nose have been given a bit more zing to make them pop too. I think I am ready to call this one finished now. I hope you like him. Special thanks to Samantha Georges for another amazing photo reference to work from.
`A Fox` 2
I have chosen a simple background which didn`t take long at all and then set to work on his features strengthening those gorgeous eyes and that cute little nose. He is really coming together now with just the detail work to complete.
`A Fox` 1
I must be out of practice, I forgot to photograph my initial sketch on this one so this is actually from my second session. Samantha Georges is the photographer of the photo reference I used. Am so grateful to the photographers who give permission to use their photo`s to artists. This particular fox is my all time favourite, simply because I have painted him in several different poses. Isn`t he just beautiful ? I use light grey paper usually, but decided to use a sand colour for this piece. Lot`s of work on the eyes in this session but a long way to go yet with them. All the base colours are in on the fox so I must decide on the background next
`The Wolf`
So delighted and proud to discover that my wolf painting won the favourite by public vote at Tondu Art Society Autumn Exhibition. Special thanks to all those who took the time to vote. It really is lovely to know that people like your work enough to vote for it :-)
`Snow Tiger`
And here he is complete. I got so carried away with this one that I forgot to photograph after adding the base colours to the tiger. I then brightened the background a little before following up with some detail work on the fur and strengthening the eye colours. The final step was to add the whiskers. Thanks again to Tazi Brown via Wildlife Reference Photos for the fantastic reference to work from
`Tiger` 2
Have added the background in on todays session. Have also added a little more colour to the eyes and nose. It`s coming together really nicely so far, am looking forward to adding some colour to the tiger next
`Tiger` 1
The start of a new artwork and this time I have chosen this handsome tiger in the snow from wildlife reference photos. With grateful thanks to Tazi Brown, the photographer. Have nearly completed the initial black and white sketch here, with a little work completed on the eyes and nose too...and just a touch of colour added
Miniature Painting !
Here are a couple of miniature paintings that were recently completed for an exhibition with Tondu Art Society. I used watercolour and inks for both and enjoyed doing these very much. Am pleased to say that the little sunset one on the right went off to a new home, and the one on the left is currently in residence at Porthcawl Art Society. With grateful thanks to Jim Brown and Dianna Beck for the fantastic photo references I worked from
Have been way out of my comfort zone with this piece. It has been lovely to work with such vibrant colours for a change though, and through trial and error, I have, at last, managed to complete my first flower portrait. Painted in watercolour and pastel. The beautiful photo reference I worked from was by kind permission of Terence Porter
Something different...
Have completed the background which is worked in wet into wet watercolour, it`s a really fun exercise as it`s just a matter of wetting the whole sheet of paper and then dropping the different colours in, it`s a lovely effect. The main subject will be worked in pastel over the top of this base.
This is the little dog Rex all finished (I think) I would like to say that I`m all better now but unfortunately not. I seem to be stuck in a bit of a painful place making very little progress with my recovery. Am hoping my art may help in the coming weeks, I have rested enough, it`s time to push to get myself back to normal now. So, although little Rex has pained me a little along the way, I am treating this as therapy from now on, it`s much more interesting than physio and it`s definitely getting my arm moving a bit more. It took me ages to decide what to do for the background, this grass effect works rather nicely I think. The final detailing has taken me several on and off sessions but I made it eventually and I think he was worth the wait. He is a cheeky looking chap isn`t he ?
Little Dog 2
After dislocating my right shoulder over the August Bank Holiday Weekend I have been out of action for the last couple of weeks. The little dog has just been sitting there looking at me, and I him, recovery has been very slow and difficult as I`ve not been able to do anything much at all. I decided to grin and bear it today, kill or cure as they say. So, I worked for a bit and then rested a while and time ticked by without me realising how long I had spent in my other wonderful world. My little dog is starting to come together, but there is still quite a lot of work to do yet and, of course, the background...I need to make my mind up about that. Not now though, as I am suffering a bit this evening, so it`s time to rest and recover a little more before I attempt another art session !
Little Dog 1
This lovely little dog is a commission that I have recently started. Have not followed my usual routine with this artwork so it will be interesting to see how I get on with it. They do say that a `change is as good as a rest` though so hopefully all will be ok. After sketching out I have concentrated on the head area, with an initial colouring of the eyes and nose put in, a little work on the collar and some blocking in of the base colours on the head and ears. Am unsure what to do for the background colour so will leave that for now !
The Grey Wolf
Here is the lovely wolf all finished. Have added a lovely warm orange to the background colour to compliment the colours of this beautiful animal. The rest of my time has been spent on all the detail work and adding the final touches to the eyes and nose too. He is looking rather handsome I think. With grateful thanks to Paul Fine for the fantastic photo reference I worked from.
My new art desk
This is what I bought with money that I had for my birthday. I absolutely love it, it is perfect for my artwork and has given me a little more space too. Am looking forward to using it on my next session with the beautiful wolf today
The Wolf 2
Not a great deal of progress since my last post but the background has been blocked in lightly, some of the base colours have been added to the wolf too along with a bit more work to the eye and nose areas.
The Wolf 1
My artwork is a bit slow of late as the lovely weather is affecting my time spent in `The Studio` (Conservatory). It is just too hot in there for the majority of the time. I have turned my attention to other things instead and am building a little book of watercolours, mainly from early morning walks, they are just rough little paintings really but am enjoying making these little memories of time spent outside walking along the coast/countryside and the odd weekend away too. This has also led to me rejuvenating my interest in collecting geocaches whilst out and about too.I have a couple of commissions on the back burner while waiting for the weather to turn cooler but I also have this gorgeous wolf in progress too. Am just having a little dabble whenever I can so it is coming along slowly but surely. This was my first session of sketching out in black and white and adding a little colour to the eyes too. With grateful thanks to Paul Fine for the amazing photo reference to work from

I think the lovely Holly is now complete. Have spent the last couple of hours on the detailing and tweaking and am very pleased with the finished painting. Worked in hard/soft pastel on velour (owners own photo reference) I hope they...and you, like it too
`Holly` 2
I love the colours in this gorgeous dog and she is progressing beautifully. All the base colours are in now and am just starting to build up the layers of her lovely thick coat. Lots of work completed today on her eyes, nose and mouth with just the final detailing to add in these areas. Am really looking forward to spending some more time working on her again soon.
Have not done much artwork lately, mainly due to the heatwave, my art studio is in my conservatory and it`s been unbearable in there. It`s been very strange, but thankfully there has been a bit of a breeze these last few days so I am back in business, (as they say), at last. This is Holly. A very good friend asked me if I could do a pastel painting of her a few years ago...but it is only now that Holly has found a place on my drawing board. This is at the end of my first session where she has been sketched out in black and white. I always add some colour somewhere at this stage, (usually the eyes), but today I decided to add some base colours to the background and a hint of colour to the tongue. Am really enjoying this one already, such a beautiful subject for me to work on
`Best in Show`
Absolutely delighted to share the `Best in Show` prize, as voted by the public, with my fellow artist and friend Lydia Nicholson at Porthcawl Art Society Summer Exhibition 2018. It was such a lovely surprise to hear that we were joint winners for this new award that has only just been introduced within our art group. With grateful thanks to everyone who visited and voted. We are chuffed to bits !
`Highly Commended`
With such an abundance of fantastic artworks in Porthcawl Art Societys New Summer Exhibition. it was so lovely to be awarded highly commended for my pastel painting of the beautiful fawn. We were delighted to welcome our judge, Vicki Washbourne, who is a member of Tondu Art Society and an amazing watercolour artist. A good time was had by all who attended our awards evening.
New Summer Exhibition at Porthcawl Art Society
Our new Exhibition is now open and there is a lovely variety of different subjects to view up in the gallery. We have also included a new award this time, asking our visitors to vote for their favourite painting to determine our `Best in Show` winner (as voted by The Public). The voting for this award will continue over the next two weeks. We are open again tomorrow (Sunday) from 11.00am until 3.00pm and are at The Old Police Station, above The Museum in John Street Porthcawl if you fancy dropping by.
A commission worked in hard/soft pastel from owners own photo reference. This handsome dog has taken me some time to complete. Very tricky working on all that hair I must say. Am pleased to report that his owner is delighted with the finished painting. Fantastic news !
`I am Beautiful`
So thrilled to see this beautiful fox painting from our Animal and Wildlife Exhibition in The Pavilion Porthcawl go home with my biggest fan Mum. A favourite subject of mine so am sure it won`t be long before I have another one on the drawing board. It`s been a glorious day spent with family who travelled down especially to view my current artworks on exhibition. Good times ! With grateful thanks to Samantha Georges for the fantastic photo reference I worked from to produce this pastel painting.
Bamburgh Beach
I went to a demonstration evening in the week and decided to try out some of the techniques that the artist (Graham Cox) showed us. We all really enjoyed the evening and today I also really enjoyed working on this beach scene. It`s worked in hard/soft pastel on a smooth paper. Have not attempted anything like this for several years but am pleased with the results. I may even do another land/seascape some time. With grateful thanks to Pauline Capewell for the photo reference I worked from.
`Reach out...and take my hand`
And here is the orangutan complete. The final session has been taken up with adding all the detail, which always takes the longest, but is also the most satisfying I think. I love the rich colours in my subject and also the strength of emotion that is so apparent in this piece. I hope that you can feel it toWith thanks to Angela Souther Smith for the fantastic photo reference to work from
This weeks local paper...
So delighted to get a mention in our local paper this week. It was a lovely little write up and will hopefully bring a few more visitors in to see our exhibition too
Orangutan 2
Have made some more progress today. Am surprised how tiny the eyes are on the orangutan, quite tricky to work on but looking good so far I think.. The tree is starting to come together a little bit now too. All the base colours are in at last so will be starting all the detail work on the next session.
Feeling fantastic...
My first sale from the exhibition at The Pavilion. Am absolutely delighted. It`s such a great feeling to know that someone likes your work enough to buy it. If I was a cow I would definitely jump over the moon right now :-)Woo hoo !
I have really missed my art time over the last couple of weeks so it is so nice to be back at the drawing board at last today. I have chosen this orangutan for my next subject as I took a fancy to his pose. The initial sketch is complete with the background blocked in lightly. I have just plonked a tree in there for his perch without thinking about it at all really. Hopefully I can make it look a bit more realistic than it does now as I progress further ! The eyes are calling to me first though :-)
Our Exhibition is now officially open !
It`s been an extremely busy and exciting time in the run up to the launch of our first Duo Exhibition at The Pavilion Porthcawl. Time to relax a bit now and get back into some artwork again as the Exhibition runs on. Hope that all the visitors enjoy seeing our work.At the Launch Evening...
What a night. The weather was absolutely atrocious with wind and non-stop rain. We didn`t expect anyone to come. But we were pleasantly surprised, and we all had a lovely evening.And they are up !
Have spent the morning at The Pavilion with all the paintings going up and down and here and there to get it all just right. The picture on the right shows one section complete. Between us, Lydia and myself have thirty five paintings in this exhibition. It all looks amazing...can`t wait for the launch now !Nearly ready for the new exhibition...
Final stages underway today, it`s surprising how long it`s taken to get everything ready. A few hiccups along the way too but have managed to overcome them all, thankfully. Heidi is saying: `Have you nearly finished now ?` Me:`Yes, almost ready Heidi...only the packing up of them all now, finding a way to fit them in the car and then we`ll be home and dry` Excited muchly !
Smile Please
Chose these cute little piggies for a quick study with some mixed media for a change today. I used watercolours first on the background and the little piggies and then added some pastel for a bit of texture. A fun little exercise for a Sunday. With thanks to Kerli Toode for the brilliant photo reference to work from.
Hello my Deer !
Have spent my Saturday working all the detail on the little fawn and she is looking rather lovely I think. A beautiful subject. I have also strengthened the background and given the tree on the right a bit more definition too which has improved it a little. Worked in hard/soft pastel on velour. With thanks to Lenora Melville for such an amazing photo reference to work from
Just Resting 2
Have had a couple of hours to work on this lovely piece again today. The background has taken up quite a bit of time and am pleased with the overall effect although I am not too happy about the tree trunk on the right at the moment. A little bit more work completed on the fawn with further work on the eyes and nose too.
Just Resting 1
I took a fancy to this pretty little fawn for my next pastel painting. After the sketching out I had a little bit of time to get some of the base colours in and work a bit on the eyes and nose for this first session. I do like to see some eyes looking back at me as I work so they are often put in first, they will be strengthened a bit more as I progress further
Third Prize !
I was delighted to be awarded third prize for my King Vulture at Porthcawl Art Society Spring Exhibition. I was certainly surprised as he is such a mean looking bird, but he is also full of character too. Anyway, he caught the judges eye that`s for sure. Here I am, with Lesley Dearn (our Judge this time) who is an accomplished artist teaching and running workshops and classes in the local area.
New Exhibition opening on Good Friday !
I have four artworks in this exhibition and am on duty all day this Friday from 11am - 3pm. Pop in if you are in the area for a browse and a chat, we have a lovely selection of various artworks on display from local artists together with hand made cards/bookmarks and even some quality art materials for sale. Would love to see you :-)
`What a Catch` 3
I have spent a lovely morning working on the puffin with his catch of fish. I think he is now complete as I have strengthened all the lights and darks and worked all the detail too. Another painting ready for my April Exhibition !
`What a Catch` 2
A bit more progress made today, am away from home at the moment but decided to bring my artwork with me in the hope that I might get some time for it.A good move as I have had a couple of hours to spare this afternoon to escape to my other world. All the base colours are in now. I have used a fairly bright blue underneath the black as I don`t want it to look too stark. The eye is in too although I may strengthen in the next session. All coming along nicely so far :-)

`What a Catch` 1
I have chosen a pretty puffin for my next piece. Another bird with beautiful, bright colours. Nature is such a wonderful thing ! Am working this one on pastelmat which I am finding is a great paper for birds especially. It is totally different to the paper I usually work on though so it does take a bit of getting used to as I adjust to it. I have selected a lovely light blue for the background which I think will enhance the birds colours even more. Have reserved some of the whites and am just starting to add a bit of colour.
`Green Eyes` 3
This next stage hasn`t gone to plan and I have darkened the background now to enhance the lioness as she seemed to have faded into the other, more natural background. I have spent alot of time going over the detail work too. It`s time to stop now though and call her here she is !
`Green Eyes` 2
The second step is complete, have strengthened the base colours and the background. She is very colourful right now but the detail work to go on top will tone it all down.
`Green Eyes` 1
The start of a lioness with such beautiful green eyes. This is on a sandy coloured paper which compliments the colours of the lioness. Sketched out in black and white with some colour added to the nose and eyes. The background has been blocked in lightly too !
Foxy Lady !
Worked in hard/soft pastel on velour and finished at last after a bit of a topsy turvy week ! The colours have been strengthened and more work completed to enhance the eyes. Lots of hours then on the detail work, one of my favourite tasks ! Am reasonably pleased with this one, The trouble is that I am comparing it to another I did that was similar ! Not a good idea, I know ! One exhibition is fast approaching now, so time to make my mind up which pieces are going in to this first exhibition, and I must get them framed up ready too. With thanks to another of my favourite photographers, Samantha Georges, who I am so grateful to, for permission to use her photo reference to work from :-)
Foxy 2
Some more work completed on the lovely fox today, the background is complete I think, have strengthened those gorgeous eyes and the nose and base colours. I have also started some of the detailing, still lots to do, including the foreground and shadow area. Hope to get another session in soon as I can`t wait to spend some more time with him
Foxy 1
I have spent the afternoon on a new artwork and am back on my favourite paper and also one of my favourite subjects. Love foxes. The base colours are nearly complete and I have also completed some work on the eyes. Will put the background in next
`Who`s a Pretty Boy Then ?`
I sprayed him with fixative before continuing further but found it difficult to add any more layers on top, have managed to strengthen the colours though and now this King Vulture is ready for framing ! He is like either love him or hate him but his colours are just so beautiful aren`t they?
King Vulture 2
I am not keen on the paper I`m using but I have made good progress with this bird artwork today. All the colours are in and blended, just needs some shadow on the right hand side and some highlights and I think he will be finished.
King Vulture 1
This is just a quick study really, am using a different paper again...I wonder how I will get on with this one. So, just the basic drawing completed so far. Am looking forward to the next step as the colours in this bird are absolutely beautiful.
`This is the Life`
Looks like he is complete. A good choice to choose a little field mouse for a little painting I think. He is just so cute and definitely worth all the fiddly bits I encountered while working on him. All the background colours have been strengthened again to ensure the detail work stands out.
Little Field Mouse 2
Have spent a fair bit of time on my little mouse again today, it`s trickier when working smaller I think and it seems to be taking me longer than a larger piece. Have strengthened the background and the base colours on the little fella. Just starting to work some of the detail too. He is very delicate isn`t he ?
Little Field Mouse 1
This little field mouse is on the easel today. Just light base coats in so far and the beady little eye. Looking very cute there where he is perched I think. Am working on some smaller pieces now and this one is just 6" x 8"
The Kingfisher 2
I have worked on this beautiful kingfisher all day and I am pretty sure he is finished. I got so engrossed in this piece that I forgot to stop for lunch...oops ! I also forgot to take some more progress shots as I worked. And I really enjoyed working on the different paper once I got used to it too ! Such a beautiful little bird, I love their colours. I sometimes see one down by the river not far from where I live. With grateful thanks to Julie Hunt for such an amazing photo reference to work from
The Kingfisher 1
Am using a different paper with this new artwork I have started. I have many different pastel papers to choose from and am thinking it is time to use some up. It`s coming along ok but I am already wishing I was on my favourite paper instead now. Anyway, I have blocked in the background, worked briefly on the eye and just made a few marks on the bird itself so far.
The Red Squirrel 3
I have spent the last couple of days on the squirrel and the tree working on the detail. It`s surprising how many different colours have actually been used in this piece, I think he is finished but as always, will look at him again over the next day or so in case I choose to tweak here and there. With grateful thanks to Chris Allsebrook for the fantastic photo reference to work from
The Red Squirrel 2
All the base colours are in and the squirrels colours look so striking and beautiful. He looks like he is about to pounce I think, I wonder what he is after !
The Red Squirrel 1
I have just started this new artwork today, I have not done a squirrel in pastel before (only acrylic). The black and white sketch is complete and I have also added some colour to that beautiful eye. He looks a bit cheeky doesn`t he ! Am looking forward to the next step now
This beautiful dog is complete after a few more hours of detail work and a bit of tweaking here and there. Am extremely pleased with the end result and am thinking I will call this one `Anticipation` Now, what shall I do next I wonder ?
Terrier/Beagle Cross 3
A great deal of work completed today. Most of the morning was spent strengthening the base colours here and there with further detail worked on the eyes and nose. And then the whole afternoon was spent detailing all the fur and other areas, have even put the whiskers in, that`s how close it is to completion. I am really looking forward to the final session on such a beautiful dog
Terrier/Beagle Cross 2
Today`s progress, all the base coats are in now, with some further work completed on the eyes, that left eye is looking much better now. I have also spent some time on his nose today too. Have put a light background in which will probably stay light as I really like it as it is (at the moment, anyway) She certainly is beautiful isn`t she ?
Terrier/Beagle Cross 1
I have started this new artwork today, I love the look on her face, the basic sketch is complete with some lights and darks reserved and the eyes worked on briefly. The eye on the left is not quite right, hopefully I can adjust accordingly on my next session. With thanks to Karen Broemmelsick for the fantastic photo reference to work from
Unconditional Love 5
I have altered the paw just a touch to soften off a little. I think it has improved the overall look of this painting. I am very happy with the way it`s turned out and I am extremely grateful to June`s Reference Free Photos for Artists for permission to use her photo to work from. Another piece complete for one of the exhibitions I have coming up.
Unconditional Love 4
I have spent the afternoon on all the detail work and am just starting to lose the light now. Am unsure whether this work is complete or not so will look at it again tomorrow with fresh eyes to decide. I really love the subject, it`s something different and a little bit special I think. I did miss not having any eyes looking back at me though. With grateful thanks to June Photography for the fabulous reference photo to work from
Unconditional Love 3
It`s Saturday and I can spend the whole day `lost` in my other world, Bliss ! Well, the morning has flown by but I have made good progress and just as I am starting to get engrossed in adding the detail work I realise it is lunch time already...back soon !
Unconditional Love 2
It`s been a really busy week, so not much time for my artwork, but today I have some free time at last so am going to make the most of it. I have all the base colours blocked in now and it all looks rather strange, especially the hand. Am looking forward to the weekend now when I will be able to spend more time on this piece
Unconditional Love 1
I love the subject of my new artwork. I think the hand is going to be the trickiest part, the basic sketch is complete and I have also blocked in the background lightly
`On the Prowl`
Well I have spent the whole day working on this tiger and I have enjoyed every minute. This afternoon I have strengthened the eyes and the background and then worked on all the detailing everywhere else. I am delighted with how he has turned out, it`s just been one of those days where everything has gone to plan thankfully. I love him...and I now have a title for this painting - On The Prowl !
The Tiger 2
Was up very early this morning waiting for it to get light so that I could continue with the lovely tiger. Have made excellent progress, lots of work on those gorgeous eyes and have blocked in all the colours on the tiger and strengthened the background a little too...time for a lunch break now...back soon.
The Tiger 1
I have two new exhibitions coming up in a couple of months time so I really need to get cracking on completing some new artworks to put in. I have chosen this beautiful tiger for my first new piece. The initial sketch is complete with a touch of colour here and there and I have also blocked in the background lightly too. Am pleased with today`s progress and am looking forward to working on him again tomorrow. With thanks once again to Chris Allsebrook for another fantastic reference photo to work from.Rocking in the New Year !
Welcome to 2018 everyone, wishing you all good health and happiness over the coming year. I have been enjoying a bit of rock painting in acrylics for a change over the Christmas break, they make great little gifts and are great fun to do, these two have already gone to their new homes(With thanks to Badger Etter and Jan Szymczuk for the fantastic reference photos I worked from)
Let`s get this show on the road...
I still have some work to do here but I think it`s time to get this show on the road. Am very excited to be getting my very own website up and running, will learn as I go along how to do everything to keep it all in order. Anyway, I haven`t really got any arty news to report today so I am posting a pic of my little best friend out in the little bit of snow we woke up to this morning...